Introduction to Weight Loss
Introduccion a la Perdida de Peso
Be a witness to the beginning of a wonderful weight loss journey, and an introduction to these inspiring and aspiring weight loss champions. Learn about the risks associated with obesity and the prevalence of this condition in our community. Learn about the Internal Medicine Tips provided by Dr Aquinin will help to attain significant goals.
Participa con nosotros en este bello documental. Aprenderas sobre los riesgos asociados con la obesidad, y aprende un detallado plan de como combatirla. Conoce a nuestros fabulosos concursantes y aprende de ellos como aplicar mis consejos medicos y triunfar! Observa como los consejos del internista Ronny Aquinin MD los ayudara a llegar a sus metas trazadas.
Expected Emotional Changes During Weight Loss
Cambios Emocionales Asociados con la perdida de peso
Learn about the seriousness of the weight loss commitment. Be a first hand witness to the emotional aspects that this journey brings. Be aware that as you take these fabulous steps toward optimal health, it is only natural to have emotional/hormonal fluctuations. Learn about the importance of having a support group during your journey. During our personalized and directly supervised approach Dr Aquinin demonstrates ad highlights the changes already attained.
En este episodio observamos los cambios de indole emocional que pueden ocurrir durante la jornada de perdida de peso. Les recuerdo a nuestros concursantes lo importante que es tener un sistema de apoyo, y de nunca perder la vision en la meta trazada. Con detallada guianza entenderas como cruzar ciertos obstaculos comunmente presenciados en la practica del Dr Aquinin.
Expected Hormonal Changes During Weight Loss
Cambios Hormonales Asociados con la Perdida de Peso
In a great level of detail we delve into the hormonal changes that occur during weight loss. Our wonderful contestants describes the swelling involved, the water retention, the bloating and more. Watch as Dr Aquinin MD reassures them; and instruct them, in regards to changes that can be attained to help them deal with these transient hormonal changes.
Discutimos en presencia de nuestros bellos concursantes con gran nivel de detalles los cambios hormonales que ocurren durante esta jornada de perdida de peso. Retencion de agua, dolores de cabeza, distencion abdominal y otros sintomas descritos por mis pacientes los cuales ameritan cambios en la rutina y/o dieta. Aprende lo que Ronny Aquinin MD describe para poder cruzar esta clase de dificultades en tu dieta.
Favorable Outcomes Associated with Weight Loss
Cambios Favorables Atribuibles a la Perdida de Peso
In this episode we reinforce the need to always have your diet and health journey monitored by a health professional. Set timelines to achieve the desired changes in your body. Dr Aquinin will teach you about the favorable outcomes associated with weight loss as they relate to Diabetic Risk, Cholesterol Control, Blood Pressure management amongst others. We celebrate the blessing of our contestants in regards to their excellent labs, and learn about optimal ways to keep them in range.
De suma importancia reconocer que esta jornada de salud debe de ser cuidadosamente monitoreada por un medico. Trazando puntos en los cuales vemos cambios en la sangre. Aprendemos sobre los cambios favorables que ocurren en relacion a la perdida de peso. Ronny Aquinin MD describe la importancia del Control de Colesterol, Riesgo de Diabetes, Control de Presion Sanguinea y mas! Celebramos los resultados de las pruebas con nuestros concursantes y los instruimos con consejos para mantenerse saludables.
The Long Awaited Weight Loss Celebration
Celebracion de Nuestro Esfuerzo en la Perdida de Peso
The final day of our journey! We celebrate the power of the human will. We get to witness the ability of any human being to surpass all adversity and attain the desired weight goals. This last episode serves to remind us that weight loss, and the search for an optimal lifestyle is never beyond reach. We are humbly reminded that when there is a will there is a way. Maria and Junior have each lost over 50 lbs and with our advice they have effectively turned around their health. As a personalized health physician and Internist; I am proud to have served them reach their goals.
El dia final de esta linda jornada. Celebramos juntos la abilidad humana de llegar a la meta trazada. Celebramos el entender que cuando deseamos ser triunfantes lo logramos. Como medico internista personalizado fui testigo de esta bella jornada y a la vez reconozco que cada paciente es un mundo. Maria y Junior lograron con su perseverancia y nuestra ayuda perder mas de 50 lbs cada uno, y efectivamente darle vuelta a su salud.